Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Colored Pencil Week One

After eighteen weeks of drawing we decided to add the dimension of color with Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils. The first steps in the medium were how to sharpen the pencils evaluating the use of the electric pencil sharpener and a brass, hand held sharpener. Watching the electric sharpener chew up my indigo pencil was enough to convince us to take the longer, safer route with a hand held sharpener.
Next, we rearranged our 24 pencil sets, cooler tones before warmer of the same color, sticking with our Impressionist palette of yellow, red, blue, violet, green, brown, white and black.

 The next step was to practice some pencil techniques holding the pencil with a traditional underhand grip. Once we had a few linear techniques under our belts, we proceeded to draw a red onion from observation.

Taking time to lightly lay in color using linear technique and not rushing the application, beautiful drawings were completed. Below, my demonstrated drawing:

The onions themselves will be sliced and placed into the slow cooker with a stick of butter to cook until they are caramelized!

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