Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Colored Pencil Week Three

Cathy Ebling with Sanibel Sunsets and Roses to Draw.

And the homework was.......skies from The Life of Pi and Sanibel Sunset. Mary Vetere and Katie Bull mined their imaginations and treated us to many beautiful skies on the Homework Wall. Chris, JoAnne, Mary, Katie, and Marcia also explored the new medium of colored pencils and participated in the critique in helpful ways to all of us. As it was Cathy Ebling's Birthday, and she miraculously appeared in complimentary colors, we honor her here.

Week Three Rose by Marcia Seward
Week Three Rose II by Marcia Seward

Marcia Seward Photographed Rose Motifs for drawing this Week.

Most of our class time was spent creating a color wheel using Prismacolor Crimson , Blue Violet, and Canary Yellow. The homework for this week is to draw something from the refrigerator using those three primary colors and their mixtures. 

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